FDA Issues Request for Information on High-Protein Yogurt 🧫

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Constituent Update

♦️The U.S. Food and drug Administration (FDA) issued a Request for information (RFI) on manufacturing processes and ingredients used to make certain dairy products which, for purposes of the RFI, we refer to as high-protein yogurt, Greek yogurt, or Greek-style yogurt (also collectively referred to as “high-protein yogurt” in this RFI).

♦️ These dairy products are cultured with, at minimum, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, subspecies bulgaricus, and Streptococcus thermophilus. The FDA is taking this action, in part, because the existing yogurt standard of identity (SOI) may not align with certain manufacturing processes and ingredients used to concentrate protein to manufacture high-protein yogurt.

♦️The FDA established the yogurt SOI in 21 CFR 131.200. There is not a separate SOI or high-protein yogurt.

♦️The FDA has received comments from the yogurt industry in response to the Public Meeting on Horizontal Approaches to Food Standards of Identity Modernization and after the reopening of comments on the FDA 2005 proposed rule, entitled, Food Standards; General Principles and Food Standards Modernization; these comments supported establishing a new SOI for strained, high-protein yogurt. Industry has raised concerns that the existing yogurt SOI does not accommodate certain practices or technologies for manufacturing high-protein yogurt.

♦️The FDA is seeking information from all interested parties to understand current manufacturing practices and ingredients used to make high-protein yogurt. The FDA is also seeking information regarding the usage of various names for high-protein yogurt (e.g., Greek yogurt, Greek-style yogurt), including specific company practices, trade convention, and consumer studies. We intend to use the information and data resulting from this RFI to determine what type(s) of actions, if any, should be taken.

Additional Information

🔹Federal Register Notice
🔹Standards of Identity for Food